Fruit of the penitence an Indian story

Fruit of the penitence an Indian story:-

Pendant of many years the sages and sages had the habit of doing several penances to get to God, Pendant of many years the sages and sages had the habit of doing several penances to get to God. The comment was this tapasya? Chant the name of God in your arms standing on a bench on a jetty in the posture of salutation for many years in an extremely cold climate. Pour installer. Ne dort pas et ne boit pas d’eau pendant la penitence. In the same manner, after having done severe penance, the Seigneur is satisfied with the gods and prostrates before them.

Fruit of the penitence an indian story

Fruit of the penitence an Indian story

In the same manner, Mother Parvati did severe penance to avoid Señor Shankar as Mary. At the moment of penitence, he felt absorbed in the contemplation of God. Sa penitence was like a son’s comb when at the same moment he understood the cry of a child who was crying. The mother was immediately taken away and was in pain. I want a crocodile to pull a child under the water.

L’enfant essay de sauver sa vie et le crocodile essay de faire des affaires. The very compassionate mother Parvati felt pity for the child. The mother asked the cocodrilo: « Deja al niño, no le hagas comida ». I am on a diet, my diet has been fixed by Brahma.” Mother Parvati repeated: “Meurs. In exchange, I will give you the fruit of my penance. Mother Parvati sent the fruit of her severe penance to save the life of the child. The crocodile is also accepted. Parvati Mata resolved in the same temps and donna le fruit virtuoso de sa complete penitence à ce cocodrilo.

Pour the fruit of the mother’s penitence, the cocodrilo shines like the sun. His intellect has also become pure. It said: Mother, find your virtue. Laissez cet enfant mourir. and caressed with affection. Later, the mother fed the child healthy and safe at her place and she est retournée at her place. To obtain Lord Shiva, the recommendation is to do penance. At the same moment, Lord Shiva appeared before the mother. Parvati. The Lord Shiva said to him: Parvati, maintenant tu n’as plus besoin de faire penitence. Tu restes en tout ser viviente, reçois le fruit de ta penitence que tu donnes à un cocodrilo. Because the fruit of this penitence has become infinite. Movie does For compassion and the effect, protect the child.

Resume de l’histoire :-

The summary of the story is that those who desire the well-being of others are immeasurably blessed by God. The creature that helps the replacement, that is gentle and sympathetic, is welcomed by God. Of this, we apprenons that if we make a devotion désintéressée en sacrificant notre egoisme, alors nous atteixons Dieu. In the course of the lessons of this episode, we listen to all an interesting devotion to God.


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